
Taking a fiber supplement may improve older adults' brain function in 12 weeks.

 Taking a fiber supplement may improve older adults' brain function in 12 weeks.

Taking a fiber supplement may improve older adults' brain function in 12 weeks.

Research shows that more dietary fiber could improve cognitive function. Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Photography/Getty Images

Diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can cause the normal mild cognitive decline of an aging brain to worsen.

There is currently no cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers from King’s College London have found that taking a dietary fiber supplement may help improve brain function in older adults.

As we age, all parts of the body — including the brain — begin to slow down. It is normal for a person to have trouble multitasking, finding certain words, or remembering names in a healthy aging brainTrusted Source.

In some cases, diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can cause mild cognitive decline of an aging brain to worsen. This can lead to more serious issues including memory loss, inability to plan or solve problems, speaking or writing difficulties, mood changes, anxiety, sleeping issues, and confusion with places, dates, and times.

While there is currently no cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, adopting healthy lifestyle choicesTrusted Source and certain medications may help slow its progression.

Now, researchers from King’s College London have found that taking a dietary fiber supplement may help improve brain function in older adults.

Scientists also found that the fiber supplements did not affect participants’ muscle strength.

The study was recently published in the journal Nature CommunicationsTrusted Source.

An increasingly older global population
According to the World Health OrganizationTrusted Source, the world’s population is aging at a more rapid rate than in the past and people are living to a much older age. The number of people aged 60 and older globally was about 1.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit 2.1 billion by 2050.

With this increase in aging worldwide, it is important to have new ways to combat age-related conditions such as cognitive decline, Dr. Claire Steves, professor of aging and health and head of the Department of Twin Research & Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London and senior author of this study told Medical News Today.

“With this comes an increase in the number of age-related conditions, which have a major impact on the ability of older people to continue to live well independently,” Dr. Steves continued.

“We lack effective treatments for many age-related conditions, so it is really important that we focus our energies in this area. We need to research these topics more to expand our knowledge on ways to prevent, slow, and indeed reverse age-associated declines, wherever possible,” she said.

Two prebiotic fiber supplements
For this study, Dr. Steves and her team focused on two prebiotic supplements — the dietary fiber inulin and the plant-based carbohydrate fructooligosaccharides (FOS).

“Research in recent years has shown that the bacteria within our guts, known as the gut microbiome, are linked to our health and well-being. Studies have shown connections between these bacteria and the brain, known as the gut-brain axis. Connections have also been shown with other organs including with muscle health. We decided to test whether improving the health of the gut bacteria using a prebiotic could improve brain and muscle function,” Dr. Steves explained.

“We know that inulin and FOS are safe, cheaply accessible, commercially available prebiotic supplements associated with healthy gut bacteria. We were also influenced by another trial which looked at inulin and FOS in a nursing home population. They showed improvements in hand grip strength, exhaustion levels, and overall measures of frailty, in those who had the inulin and FOS supplement,” she continued.

Previous studies have found that inulin changes the gut microbiome, helps reduce neuroinflammationTrusted Source, and improves traumatic brain injuryTrusted Source recovery.

Research regarding FOS has reported the supplement may help weakenTrusted Source the development of Alzheimer’s disease by reducing beta-amyloidTrusted Source in the brain, and assist with lowering neuroinflammation and improving memoryTrusted Source.

Fiber improves brain function 
Researchers recruited 36 pairs of twins over the age of 60 for this study. One twin in each pair was given a dietary fiber supplement each day for 12 weeks, while the other twin received a placebo.

Scientists monitored the study participants through video, online questionnaires, and cognitive tests. Additionally, participants were asked to participate in resistance exercises and also ate a protein supplement aimed at improving muscle function.

The study was double-blind in which neither the analysis team nor the study participants knew which they received until the study was finished.

Fiber’s positive impact on the brain
MNT also spoke with two registered dietician nutritionists for their reaction to this study’s findings.

“Knowing the connection between the gut-brain axis, I was not surprised that the study observed a positive impact on cognitive health markers by way of prebiotic supplementation,” Monique Richard, a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Nutrition-In-Sight explained to MNT.

“The metabolic byproducts from microbes as they break down, ferment, and consume food such as fiber — inulin and FOS used in the study — create other compounds which can be anti-inflammatory, protective, and beneficial for other systems in the body,” she said.

“One side effect of decreased inflammation is (a) possible reduction in brain fog, forgetfulness, confusion or lethargy. Gut microbiota can also assist in forming co-factors — specific nutrient helpers — that optimize pathways for neurotransmitter conduction and assist in the chain of events that helps parts of our brain function on all cylinders,” she continued.

“I often encourage my clients to increase their fiber intake for a whole host of reasons such as lowering blood sugar and cholesterol or to support digestion,” Molly Rapozo, registered dietitian nutritionist and senior nutrition and health educator at Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, CA, told MNT. “Since improving cognition is the primary goal of my patient population, this kind of research outcome will be very motivating for them.”

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